Briggs Nursery, Kelly Blvd, N. Attleboro MA
If you have ever wondered what’s involved with beekeeping or are simply curious about honey bees, then join us for this informative program...
Briggs Nursery, Kelly Blvd, N. Attleboro MA
Crowne Plaza, Warwick, RI
Come enjoy the health and wellness expo. So many great programs and vendors. Stop by C'est La Bee's table.
Crowne Plaza, Warwick, RI
C’est La Bee® , created by a beekeeper, whose love of beekeeping was blended with a passion for making healthy, natural and therapeutic skin balms.
C'est La Bee® products are hand made with care, using the best ingredients, and the intention of providing the best skin care products, possible.
C'est La Bee® also offers pure beeswax candles and local honey.
Since 2010, C'est La Bee® has been creating a unique line of moisturizing and healing skin care products, using beeswax, natural and organic ingredients, offering outstanding natural skincare solutions for customers across, the United States.
C'est La Bee® products are crafted with the finest quality ingredients that offer excellent benefits and helps nurture your skin. Switch to our organic beeswax products to get beautiful glowing skin within your budget.